Showing posts with label 21.12.12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 21.12.12. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

PACHAMAMA ABOUT 12.12.12 AND 21.12.12

By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)
PACHAMAMA  about the Ascension Process:

She began to talk to me while I was contacting my guides to receive directions for the coming and most awaited December events. I know that she is already a long time with me, but never came forward and I felt she had the knowledge of a Mayan Elder. So she said she is PachaMama *, and that she is in deed one of my guides.

She appeared to me as an old wise woman in the  traditional dress of the Maya, full of Grace and Serenity, with a lot of wrinkles in Her face, all from massive smiling. 

I had past lifetimes in the Maya and Inca cultures, remember in particular the Andes, and I feel in this life time especially connected to the Maya, since I received 2 years ago during two nights a huge download of ascension codes from them. I could literally see their shape and color and the beautiful ancient tribe who did the transmission. This download connected me in a new way directly to the Gaia Consciousness and it was also the time where I started with my digital art. Art creations were not new to me, but doing it digitally absolutely was. 

PachaMama said, that 12.12 12 was the period when those who are prepared for it, because they have chosen this service long time ago and before birth, experience the actual download of the codes which are necessary for the formation and creation of the new crystalline body. 

There are also those who received this download earlier, because their unity consciousness was already to the one or other degree developed.  They needed their bodies to keep pace with this process and so the activation process has been done for them already subsequently. 

In general it can be said, that for them  the 12.12.12 brings an enormous  deepening of Unity Consciousness and Energy, which would lead them into the depth of mindlessness, the origin of creation.

21.12.12 then is the day when the downloaded codes from 12.12 will be activated by the Sun Who is being reborn on that day. From that day the Sun is permittet to transmit directly the unity consciousness of the  Galactic Center to our world.

So there are two main processes: the quantum leap in consciousness and the quantum leap of the transformation of the body. In earlier ascension processes there was only transformation of consciousness, but this time the body transforms too, because we ascend with it, and it must therefore be able to fully hold the new Consciousness.

Both processes are initiated on December 12 and 21, whereby the emphasis on the body is in general on the 12th and the emphasis on  consciousness in general on the 21th.

Compared with the more than 7 Billion human beings, the number of those who receive the download for the transformation of the body, is relatively small, and so is the number of those who receive the initiation into unity consciousness.

However, there are those, as mentioned before, who have already received the download of the body codes earlier.  And this initiatory process functions as an important accelerator for everybody else.

Also people who are ready to ascend already now via the new energy vortexes, are accelerating the process for others greatly. However this is a  very small number. They fully disappear from our sight, because we can see them no longer when they go to the next dimension which vibrates on a higher rate than our dimension. So they do not really disappear but you are just not able to see them.

There are also people who would be capable to ascend  by crossing over into higher dimensions, but they have agreed to stay for the sake of the evolutionary process of the rest of humanity. So they stay to provide service.

People new in this process must know that the body process is not always easy and can be at times quite painful because of the profound changes of the energetic and  biochemical process.  General education about expected experiences will be necessary so that people do not worry what’s going on with their bodies. This is a brand new adventure and there do not exist any previous experiences from anywhere else, that could have been made the transformation process easier.

But as always, because there are already a number of  forerunners, it will be always less difficult for those who follow.

This is really an experiment, where both processes, that of consciousness and that of the body, must be well matched to each other, as much as possible. But this is not always achievable, and it always remains an individual process, depending on the body karmas of each person.

While the overall process is relatively slow in the beginning, it will rapidly speed up, as soon as a certain percentage of humanity is actively involved in this evolutionary process. This is due to the morphic field, so that at the end of approximately 3-4 years (which is only a presumption, remember, this is an never before done experiment) humanity as a whole has reached a new level of unity consciousness in a new body, able to express this unity  consciousness fully.

However, please understand, that this description is made from a 3dimensional point of view, so that people in general have an idea about the process. But with the dimensional shift where time becomes an illusion, questions that exist now will no longer exist, because if you live in timeless unity consciousness, the issues regarding the transformation  of the body will appear in a completely new light!

Insofar the whole process can neither be really described nor yet understood!
Prepare for a shift in your perception that might be for most unimaginable right now.

I asked her about my visit to Nova Terra and if She or one of the  other Creations of New Earth would be the Place where humanity would be going.

PachaMama said, we should not forget, that with the coming of the Unity Consciousness through the birth of the New Sun, all timelines would be collapsing into one, and so all these creations would become One Single New Earth. However we cannot imagine how this works with our 3dimensional, logical mind. Once in Unity Consciousness the solutions would occur in a surprisingly simple and obvious way. So we should not worry and accept, that we can only truly understand these things from the point of view of our developing multi-dimensionality.

This is what PachaMama explained to me.

With much love,

* PachaMama is the Goddess revered by the indigenous people of the Andes. She is known as "Mother of the World" and later also as "Mother of the Cosmos". 


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Mayan explanation of what will happen on 21st December 2012


Monday, December 10, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved friends,

12-12-12 is only now a couple of days away. When I went  for a walk yesterday the sky appeared to me absolutely unique and awesome, I can’t remember having seen a sky like that ever before

It was of a new developing blue, very deep and at the same time transparent, and white clouds like huge cotton balls appeared extremely three-dimensional and sculptural. They were sitting, it seemed, in respectful distance from the Sun that was of an unprecedented transcendental radiance and spiritual power. 

The colors seemed to be different than on any other days.

There is a new victorious  presence in the skies that seem to have become higher and fuller, and it seems to be out of reach now for the forces that want to harm our beautiful planet and us (all living beings on Gaia).

It looks like as if the higher dimensions (some say the 4th, others the 5th, depending on whether we consider time as the 4th dimension) are already starting slowly their appearance, as if our familiar 3th dimension very slowly begins to shift into a new reality.

I consider this to be a gradual preparation for the culmination of events, first on the 12-12-12, with expected very high incoming light and information, to prepare us for the even more powerful influx of energy on 21-12-12. 

In other words, the energy and light already arriving here is phenomenal, it is a light of unity and non-separation, a light that makes all equal and wipes out “difference”. On the feeling level it is the quality of Love everywhere, uniting all hearts as they allow this unification.

Stepping this warm morning outside and under the infinite blue Sky, with a few white fluffy clouds, looking for the Sun, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of awe and wonder. I shuddered briefly and had goose pimples, my heart electrified, releasing the inevitable “WOW”! 

There is something MAJESTIC at work, powerfully heralding our new Divine Reality, right here, on our for eons tortured Mother Earth with all Her Creations.

The Divine Promise Is on Its Way. It comes from the Heart of the Universe, that is the Doorway to the Infinity of the  All-Powerful Divine Consciousness.

This heart-overwhelming Presence is the Power of Existence Itself, Unseparated, the Expression of Undivided Being-ness, the Power that holds all universes and beings together. It Widens the heart to an Opening in Which the Mystery of All-That-Is Reveals Its undeniable Reality. In this Reality and Beauty our Heart, the Heart of Gaia, the Heart of the Sun, and the Heart of the Cosmos are United. In It we human beings transcend our limited form and discover Who We Are: The Oneness of One Consciousness.

Dearest friends, It IS coming! The big planetary and universal change is on its way, the first forerunners already send their glorious messengers into this troubled world with Most Tangible Signs! The view into the universe suddenly being unobstructed, the longstanding quarantine an illusion.

In this to Arrive New Reality duality is being transcended. The Energy is so Powerful already now that It Overrides all that appears to be separated. It Reveals the Powerful Now of the Essence from which all seeming separate beings and things are created. 

Coming such to the forefront, the lesser perception of separateness is forgotten, while we are lifted up to a new powerful vibration of Light that Is Love. But not merely in the usual separate sense of “I love you”, but rather as the mighty I AM LOVE. 

This is, what I directly saw and experienced.

With Adoration,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube 

Dearest friends!

With the upcoming great event of the emergence of the 11.11.12 Portal, we are challenged to rise up to that new energy level that is bringing with it a new and higher  consciousness. And as we know, this breathtaking  ride will go on to the 12.12.12 Opening that will connect us with our Great Central Sun, the Galactic Center, in a way that we will be able to take the most beneficial advantage of the 21.12.12 alignment.

If you have been involved in the great 11.11.11 event which has been a jump start for us in joining in consciousness at the core-level with Gaia, and connecting with our own multidimensional existence on a collective level, you will have a kind of presentiment what will happen on 11.11.12 – as our experience then will be on a higher octave of it!

With the  daily increasing influx of light on our planet, to help us to keep pace with the rapid rising of light and information at the major turning points of our  evolutionary process, each one of us is experiencing changes in our own lives, that have an effect on physical, mental and spiritual levels, depending on where we need to let go, to change, to adapt and to grow.

This might not always be easy, but lets not forget that also great openings are happening for each one of us, that allow us to take a turn into an entire new direction, a direction we always have dreamt of!

If you think that you haven’t yet experienced such openings and turning points, you perhaps do not pay close enough attention! Just remember last year and how you are feeling today, and you know that MUCH has changed already for you! And what you ARE now, you would not have imagined 12 months ago to be possible!

If you still think that not much has changed for you, and that things only got worse, do not despair! While others went for many years through a (painful) purification process, to reap in these blessed times the liberating fruits of their efforts, you are perhaps now on that path for only a year or so. And you have been purified already to a degree in that short time, that will soon lead you to an unexpected release and new state of freedom that you never thought was possible. But it is!  The new energies and information bring the opportunity of such release and freedom with them.

Basically it is really about three things in this process:
To go with the flow of the incoming energies, to let go what they are taking with them (and perhaps from you) and to open your mind, your heart and your body for the New that wants to manifest in, as and for you.

You can participate most beneficially in this process, if you understand that everything that is being taken from you is not serving your highest good in your own evolutionary process and is blessed as such  by the Sacredness of your own Soul! Therefore in Reality nothing is being taken from you, but you are being Given the Gift of your own emerging Truth that you only can receive by letting go what is not supporting the vibration of It.

It is important to accept that the blessings of these times are only serving your evolution in consciousness. If you are still very much bound to patterns that tend to keep you imprisoned in the experience of the old world, and which are not in harmony with the new evolutionary information, you might perhaps  believe in a punishing authority or God because of the challenges you experience.

However the new energies are the carriers of a wisdom and love that convey the Knowing of Utter Divine Benevolence and Grace. Even more, that Grace is our Own  Source and True Native State.

It only takes from us what does not resonate with Love, Grace and Truth, - our own Truth.

Therefore it is most auspicious to educate first your mind with the presumption that you are a Divine and Unlimited Being of Light, that your existence inheres In Love and that this Truth must be reflected sooner or later in your own experience! Simply, because it IS your Inherent Truth!

This is the disposition we are called to cultivate, especially in these times of Great Divine Blessings, and most importantly at times of Great Impacts of Light and Consciousness that desires to awaken Itself in our vessels of body-mind.

Dearest brothers and sisters, all of you who desire with their heart to be part of this Divine Adventure, no matter which stage of life, resonate because your inherent Truth is resonating with the Great Process of Awakening. And so It must reveal Itself in your own Awareness in due  course of time.

Consider all your doubts regarding your own awakening as an egoic fossil, reflecting the old mass-consciousness of an illusionary world of seeming solidity and rigidity, with an external god who is separate from his creation.

Presuming your own Awakening is presuming your own Creative Power of Co-Creation, is presuming your own Divinity, is presuming the Unity of all Existence, is presuming that there is Only Light, is Presuming that there is Only Love and That All Is Consciousness.

With this Faith in your Heart you are very well equipped to receive to your fullest capacity the Blessings of the coming Great Events! 

Joy is the companion of this Faith, and it has nothing to do with conventional religiosity and "belief", but with the universal law of Divine Reality in which all beings and universes inhere and participate, consciously or unconsciously, because there Is Only One to Experience.

Love and Blessings,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.