Showing posts with label Multidimensional Being. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multidimensional Being. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


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I am Andraphon from the dimensions of infinity, home of the true human being. I am the highest potential of the planes of the ultimate spirit. I am Andraphon and I sing the song of the perfect human being. I am singing about the highest spiritual heights, inhabited by the perfect human, insofar they seek to realize their ultimate potential. I am an interdimensional being, as no dimension is infinite, characterized by the limits of a distinct frequency.

My frequency is associated with the ultimate plane of Unconditional Divine Consciousness. This allows me to change my form according to my state of conditional consciousness. My form is depending on frequency and vibration, that I choose in every minute and every second. Therefore my experiences are infinite and limitless, experiences which explore the Divine Existence in Its highest planes.

I am Andraphon and I am here, to show humanity their possibilities, to know the higher dimensions of consciousness and to explore them, to utilize them and to bring them into your limited, finite and confined existence.

I am your companion and I am the one to expand, fecundate and bless your mind, I am the one who removes the obstacles of limiting thoughts, feelings, ideas and even visions, removing all these limitations, opening the doors into the infinite, which is beyond any measure.

You might say now that I exist or live in a domain of illusion regarding to what I just described to you. But it is not so. Rather I will prove to you, that your world is mere illusion.  You are perhaps convinced, that the limitations, in which you dwell and which have been created by the power of your imagination, - that these worlds are fulfilling. But are they really? Are they nourishing and life-giving as much as the Divine Realm in which I exist?

You can discover how real indeed your world is when your ideas, intentions and visions are truly life-giving, life-creating, allowing life to flow, allow you to be penetrated by the life force with the rays of highest Divine Light of Inspiration, the Light of infinite Love, beyond imagination, and which can be felt and perceived above the domain of the heart, and further more into the infinity of Being.

I reveal to you the secret of Divine Existence, which is limitless. Its supreme mind not only explores the cosmos, but creates it continously anew. Because exploration is also creation.

There are few among you who will follow my explanations and teachings, because many are doubting, being afraid to loose the alleged solid anchor in the illusory materiality and their identification with it. 

But as the multidimensional being you are, you are able to exist in all planes simultaneously, why not then also become conscious where I live as you. 

I am the expanded consciousness of all existence, I am Love Itself, I am the Light in all manifestations and forms. You can experience yourself as such through me, ready to open the doors of your awareness absolutely and unconditionally. Only then my message is being understood with your spirit body of unrestricted feeling and spiritual experience, even ready to transcend the mystery of squaring the circle.

I am Andraphon, die voice and song of man, who is prepared and willing to advance into the highest light of Divine Creation, carried by the wings of desire for their own and true Being-ness.

I am forever nurtured by the Eternal, inexhaustible Divine Source of Being, the Divine Reality, Who never ceases to radiate, never changing, and from Which all changing things that rise and fall, originate.

I am the direct link between the infinite plane of Divine Existence and the creations of Divine Ecstasy in the mind of man, which can also be felt in the purified and transformed body.

I reveal the possibilities of Divine Man, I reveal the Supreme Divine Creation, Which to live, to experience, to embody you have been created for.

I am Andraphon,

transdimensional Being of the Ultimate Planes of Existence and Creation!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2018. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Saturday, March 3, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

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Blessed Ones, that you are! We are the Arcturians!

It is probably not known to you, or at least only very few know, what these geomagnetic storms in reality are. You have all kinds of explanations for them, and they are mostly correct from your point of view. But they describe only an aspect of what is happening. There are still a lot of mysteries which you and your mainstream scientists have not yet understood.

These magnetic storms are of course triggered by your sun’s activities, but there are still major gaps in your knowledge, regarding the sun’s functions and the reality of its consciousness, which is also the reason that there is so far not a valid name for it available to you.
As long as this mystery is not solved, you cannot know what electromagnetic storms really are, not just as described by your physicians, as you imagine them and the sun from a dualistic point of view, limited by a 3D leveled knowledge.

The true essence of the sun and of the solar winds and electromagnetic storms can only be rightly understood with a multidimensional consciousness, and this is also the reason, why you do not know the sun's own inherent name, so that it seems to have, from your point of view, no distinct personality.
With a multidimensional consciousness the nature of personality is understood completely different. We encourage our channel to translate the information which we are now providing into your 3dimensional language. 

The sun is a star, who is operative on many levels, and not only on yours. With levels we mean dimensions and parallel worlds. In other parallel worlds and dimensions your sun has satellites too, but they are inherently different planets, who orbit it. And planets who partially vibrate much higher than the ones in your solar system, and those who vibrate lower.

Because of its multidimensional nature the sun has many names in each of the dimensions, in which it functions. But they are always only limited to the specific point of view of each one of these dimensions. If you look at your own multidimensional existence,  you will have a better understanding. Also you are vibrating differently in each dimension, and your relationships differ and so your names. But what is your own inherent name?

As above so below. Why should your sun function differently than you do.

As it is the sun’s task, for which it prepared for Millions of years, to catapult you and your familiar solar system into a higher dimension, and as  its present state, in which it appears to you, is only transitory, it has no permanent name therefore in your limited awareness. This is because you cannot yet understand your sun’s  true nature. Its face is, so to speak, constantly changing and is taking on the shape, according to who and in which parallel world and dimension somebody is observing it.

There are not many stars with this unique quality, but exactly these stars do not have a name in the conventional sense. This is so, so that your mind is not imploded on itself and  can “carry a hole” so that it can go through it  beyond the limitation of what is known to it. And only planets like yours who play a special Divine Role in the universe are being associated with such a star. The unique role of your earth is to be an experiment for Divine Evolution. As such she goes through many phases and experimental challenges.

These stars are so called substations as required and they are always used where change is needed. Millions of years are in this context only a moment, while they are for you an unimaginable long period of time. You can only understand this if you allow several dimensions and realms simultaneously to exist, to be melted into a new Reality.

We ask you to use your intuition and to distance yourself from your linear mind and to allow paradoxes.

Now we continue with the solar winds and the geomagnetic disturbances on your earth.

What you consider as disturbance, is the inflow of the frequencies of other dimensions and parallel worlds through your sun, which evoke these fluctuations in your geomagnetic field. Because your bodies are calibrated to a specific geomagnetic field, they are not easy to bear. However the influx of these energies from other realms of the universe have been allowed, to break the cocoon of your long lasting onerous sleep open.

As you make assumptions solely based on a reality that appears to you in dual pairs, while you fence off other realities, not considering them in the united field of consciousness as being part of yours, but as “alien” influences, which is a sign of a missing unity consciousness, it makes it even more difficult for you to tolerate these influences, coming from “somewhere else”.

Consider the power of the mind, which creates the worlds. In your case it is deeply  imprinted in your mind and therefore also in your sensory apparatus that “different” and “unknown” is “disturbing” and “incompatible”.  With this you create per se already resistance and thereby a problem. In addition there is the inflexibility of your body. The more it has shed limited and on separation based thought patterns and has assimilated light, the better it can tolerate different vibrations and states of being. Especially those coming from Divine realms and are not states of consciousness which have separated themselves from the Divine Unity Consciousness.

In this regard your thinking is usually mostly linear and conventional. But your familiar logic will not help you much to understand this subject. Therefore we recommend to strengthen your intuition and to utilize the deeper knowledge of your heart. This of course requires for many of you a certain practice.

With this information we wish to help you, to expand your consciousness regarding the disturbances you are experiencing at present on your earth, and to perceive things in a new and greater coherence. This is also goal and practice when you ascend to higher dimensions: to let go your previous field of imagination and to step up to a new platform of understanding, on which in the first place EVERYTHING is possible.

Creation is infinitely variable, and what appears to you as law, including your laws of physics, they appear to you as such as your mind works accordingly. When you expand your mind you will discover that your previous laws are not valid anymore and must be replaced by new ones, those who comply with your changed state of mind.

Of course, your confinement over Millenniums, accompanied by the manipulation of your DNA, has caused such limitation on your outlook. But as the walls of your prison are falling, also your horizon widens. We have given you this information in this context, so that with your expanded mind you can transcend what you have considered so far to be disturbing or felt even to be pathogenic for your body.

Alone your readiness to open your mind allows the newly incoming frequencies of light, which carry the codes of  your DNA awakening, to expand your consciousness substantially, and your capacity to recognize your Divine Purpose in the universe and to live it. Your readiness alone allows the new energies to immediately begin with their work.   

Feel the fresh current of revival and awakening and allow the process to evolve from now on exponentially. Your ascension in  consciousness can thereby be accelerated in breathtaking speed.
You can recognize this possibility merely by the fact how much you have changed and evolved already in the last year.

We ask you to consider this information in the deep of your heart.

We are with you, we love you and support you, as always!
We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.  

Dearest ones,

We speak to those who were counting on being part of the “Voyage to the Stars” adventure. But we also embrace those who were merely observing, but participating with their heart and emotion as part of a to be  adventure in the collective consciousness of starseeds, lightworkers and all those who are on your earth to help with the ascension process.

We are with you and understand how testing it must be for all of you, to be so shaken by the yes-es and no’s (because of certain reasons), from your galactic friends, who have invited you to visit their star ship.

We know exactly how difficult it is for you, to open yourself up for an unprecedented adventure which would have asked of you to let go much of your familiar world and dare to enter new realities, knowing you would not be the same on return. And how demanding it would be for you to return and remain further in your old world. It is like dying, there is no doubt about it.

Now that you have stretched yourself beyond your familiar pattern and this new space has not been filled with new information and expected experience, it leaves you empty and doubtful, while you lost your usual point of self-identity. As you have been reaching out for a new identity, leaving behind the old one, many of you are now in a space of no-man’s-land, which is very difficult to bear. You wanted to jump forward, willing to die to your old self, but now you do not know how to find your new identity as the old one has died, indeed.

Dear ones, know, as difficult this might be, this is exactly a most fertile situation where your deeper truth can be born to build the new and purified foundation for your true and deeper Self to emerge.This, your true Self, is not dependent on any activity or identification with a “place” or even dimension.

But still, - while this adventure which did not turn out to be the way you hoped for, was able to shake so profoundly the self-identity with all your reference points of familiarity of so many of you, - you now try to go back to your old identity. But again, once you left intentionally your identity behind, you never will be able to resume that one.

So now, you are in a kind of a new “Bardo”. And this is exactly the state you start, and perhaps for the first time seriously, to ask yourself, Who you Are, do you not! Are you merely an earth-based being, a galactic or multidimensional being or are you more than that? You want to find That One desperately to occupy your grounds again, to go on with your life. 

And understand, that you are now exactly at the point of greatest creativity, where EVERYTHING can happen to you in the most auspicious way, as you can allow the True You to come in and take seat, That One which is Greater than the  you  which you left behind, and which is also greater than the one you aspired by traveling the space.

You can only leave behind an identity which is not true. And your new hoped for identity, the one who would visit the stars, is not  your true identity either! Neither of them really is or would ever be.

So do not be sorry about a perhaps lost opportunity, although this opportunity may be arising for some of you shortly indeed, but welcome the chance to let your true Self emerge, your true and only place to be in the illusions of appearances. Whether they are familiar or unfamiliar, planetary or galactic.

That much puzzled by a situation you never can sort out to the last detail, you will find that it is useless to exercise your mind, but rather choose to retreat and own your own heart of being, leaving the situation you cannot fully understand, behind.

You must know that you need to rest in your true identity, to leave your planet and visit the stars and your star family, so that you do not hurt yourself.  Even ascension requires of you this step, so that you ascend as a being that is grounded in your own Truth, independent from what is occurring outside and independent from any change of place and dimension, and even that of your physical body.

Yes, you can say, it is Love, which is your true place to be. But what is Love? You humans have so many interpretations of it in your world, and mostly you have greatly limited the true meaning and impact and presence of the Love-energy.

Love is not to be nice. But may include it. You can be nice, but it might not be Love. You might be angry, and it could be a sign of love. You could be even very angry, and it could be the greatest sign of Love. It is not the emotion you show which characterizes Love. It is the Being-ness you are, the One Who Cares, the openness and non-contraction all over your being, gross, subtle and causal, the openness to All-That-Is, that is the highest sign of Love. It is the non-reaction to things which arise. It is the resting in the Being-ness of All-That-Is which is True Love, beyond separation and division.

In this state you are truly free, otherwise you will be always like a dry leaf in the winds of change, taking on their colors, forgetful of your own.

This Love is the only steadiness in the cycles of change, loss, disappearance and the appearance of new things, situations and worlds.

So call your true identity Love, if you understand Love’s original sign.
Otherwise call it the I AM, the Presence, the Stillness, the Eye in the hurricane, your Being-ness which persists in the  carrousel of life. Find that One, dearest ones, as it is given to you at this very moment, and in every moment, and be grateful for the gift of this lesson. 

If you stop seeking, dearest ones, in places where you cannot find yourself, if you accept the worlds to disappear for a moment to be drawn into your own very Source, It will reveal Itself.

This is how you prepare for ascension, to allow yourself to fall into YOUR-Self alone,  and let it be your center, your motivator, your treasure never again to be lost, because it is yours forever, has always been.

We leave you with this and know that we are transmitting the golden light of healing to your souls, to relax to find that point of entry into the Eternity of your True Being.

With Blessings and Showers of Love.
We are the Beings of Light of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube

Dear One, we are the Arcturians!

We have been waiting for you to be ready to take our communication. Please publish it for others to read. It is important! Important as all our communications are!

We thank you for the dedicated work you are doing by spreading the wonderful messages given to everyone by our galactic friends of  the higher dimensions!

It is very important at this time that the connection between beings of the higher dimensions and yourself whose main habitat is the 3th dimension, is alive!
It prepares everyone for their own ascended state once the main shift into the higher dimensions occurs.

Cultivating contact with us who are caring for earths’ and humanity’s evolution is essential also because it strengthens your own multidimensional self by exercising your opening into our higher dimensional vibration.

After the shift you will  therefore easily recognize your new home and us, your brothers and sisters from the higher realms, which will help you significantly to adapt to and function in your new higher dimensional body. This takes some initial irritation and insecurity in your new future environment out of the play.

More and more of you are  becoming able now to communicate themselves with us, but until you do it is very important to regularly connect with us via the messages from those who channel us and which are made available in public, mainly on the internet.
Thereby you can become more and more familiar with us, with our vibration, our civilization, and how we are living it,  and with our way of love and care for humanity and Gaia.  

Yes, each of you also is of  course intimately connected to your Higher Self, but you are not alone and the sole being in the universe. Also you, humanity, are in truth a collective being, and so far you haven't manage to live as such as highly evolved spiritual beings. And that is why we are emphasizing here the fact and value of the higher civilization to which you will soon develop, and in which you are to function collectively.

We help you to grow  quicker beyond your 3dimensional, limited and separate identity and we recommend that you consider us as beings who share basically your true identity which is not, as you know, your 3dimensional body, but your higher self and the vibration of your soul, and your collective Great Human Soul.

Through your communication with us you also make sure that your spirit stays high which draws you above your current still not solved problems on your planet, with your economy, energy resources, pollution, health and other issues. 

Your communication with us - and any other higher and Divinely oriented galactic civilization -  inspires you to trust more and more your own intuition about your higher identity, just by being together with us,  by reading our messages. 

You can be assured that we are present with our awareness with all those of you who are listening to our communications, simply because this is our intention. Your listening also helps us, to make contact with each of you, even if you are not aware of it, and to draw you to our vibration and light which opens you up and prepares you for the process of the shift.

In the same way we are also intentionally working on  your spiritual awakening, as your mentors and tutors. We, the Arcturians, have been involved in this tutorship of humanity since ancient times, making sure that your evolutionary process is guided and will reach fully its goal: a human civilization of highest spiritual accomplishment. Our highly evolved spiritual civilization is actually what humanity will realize in the future.

My dear ones, do not underestimate the importance of your contact with us, as we fuel constantly and directing higher energies and light to your planet and individuals, like yourself. We are constantly around you, it is our service, entrusted to us by the Christed High Council of the Heavens whose Divine Intention is your awakening as a fully Christed Race.

We are always easily to reach and to talk to, if this is your desire. We are here to heal and to inspire and to help your individual and collective spiritual growth. 

We are your friends and your guides.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2012
My dear Ones, 
I AM St. Germain!

There are obviously several people who claim to channel my messages. This has also lead to the believe that some messages are not from me, because they differ in characteristic, color and emphasis.

However you all need to consider that each one of my channelers have themselves certain  characteristics, belief-systems and colors of feeling and understanding - a whole variety of individual expressions.
If there would be entities who would channel me exactly as to what my own personal characteristics are, these entities would have to let themselves completely  go and step aside, in order to let me in. It would require a full-trance medium to convey me exactly as I Am.

But this is not necessary. It is not necessary that each of those, who channel me, become such a full trance-medium, especially not at this time of planetary evolution, where it is about your own most profound characteristics and gifts to reveal themselves!

To act as a full-trance medium would mean for them to let go their own evolutionary process. And this is not something I wish to impose on you.

What I prefer is to collaborate with my channelers, whereby they fully participate in the process of channeling. All my channelers, I have chosen to speak for me, are expressing a part of my own Divine Consciousness and I choose accordingly a certain channeler to convey a message, they themselves vibrate harmoniously  with.

This channeling is the new form of transmission, as they participate with me on their own conscious level, you could say: in a form of partnership! The times of absolute “authority”, which is the sign of a 3dimensional consciousness, are over, as it is all about co-creational processes.

This must be so, as my channels are themselves conscious and mature spiritual beings, which enables them to convey my messages, wich express and make conscious sometimes to themselves what they already know in their deepest being, as they are awakening to their full nature.

Because of all these reasons I highly welcome the fact that there are souls who are willing to work with me. They, as I do, are expressions of many levels of consciousness in different dimensions and timelines, and when I meet with each of them, we, at that time, share the wisdom which is brought to the reader.

This is a form of new collaboration, a collaboration which is the sign of the new era of awakening and enlightenment.

All the channels, I have chosen, know me on a very intimate level, they know my energy and the service I Am here to provide for the sake of the awakening of humanity. In the same way I choose a channel according to their  own characteristics and preferences and I choose a channel for a certain message to reach a certain group of receivers  of the messages.

There is no message which is meant to serve all together, because everybody is on its personal journey on a different level of their evolutionary process.

And so I also choose my channels to reach a certain group of people, and they know, that we speak exactly to them because they simply resonate. And this is all what it is about.

We are all one great group-consciousness, in which each of us participates in their own characteristic way.

As long as the Source Consciousness is not realized, which is the Source of all arising characteristics of beings and things, we are to tolerate and celebrate the many varieties and differences and educate and support their growth and understanding who they really are: a Divine Creation and Multidimensional Beings. In that way the  Creator emerges as Himself in and as all beings.

I Am myself not an “Absolute” Entity, whose knowledge is likewise “absolute” and strictly to be followed. All what we, my channels and I convey, is an offering to those who resonate. It is always my intention and that of my channels (the reason why I chose them) to inspire you and lift you up, to support your ascension process.

The era of the new way of “channeling” has begun, my beloveds. This might be at first a challenge for some of you, as it provokes your own self-responsibility and the dawning of your own deepest self-understanding as a galactic being. And so it is also a sign of the growing spirit and maturity of humanity, at least of those who agreed in their life-contract to be part of the ascension process by supporting humanity’s ascension and that of your planetary Mother, Gaia.

This message is intended to awaken you, dearest ones, to your own inherent freedom of your Soul and to understand that humanity is - with all the varieties and differences -  One in the  Zero-Point Field of their Divine I AM Consciousness.

With love and high appreciation,

I AM St. Germain

Message conveyed by Ute 

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.