Showing posts with label Sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014



 “I AM functioning now as an emormous transformation station. 

I have opened Myself immensely -  in agreement with the creator gods or Elohim of the Great Central Sun -  to the influx of major cosmic  currents of light and information. This powerful light is now pouring through Me to all the planets in My sphere.  

The time has come now where all beings in this solar system must make a decision whether to open up to the light and to be thereby transformed by it - or to remain in their familiar frequency.

The more resistance there is and the denser the vibration, the more difficult the process of transformation will be for the individual. This correlation is not new to your understanding, but this time it is  becoming a much more challenging process than ever before. 

Although many of you have worked already intensly on your spiritual transformation, this time you might be confronted increasingly with some unexpected problems. This will be even more felt by thosE  who entered the process of purification and transformation after you, especially when they don't fully understand the deeper cause yet. To a great degree it is their still  fully carbon based physical structure and the mind set that comes with it, which  is resisting the massive currents of light, flooding your planet now.

Even you, who's DNA have been awakened  and who's physical structure is already in the process of becoming  crystalline, may have to experience unpleasant physical symptoms depending on your state of developmental transmutation.

For all of you it is important to focus on the intent to keep your vibration as high as possible. So be very vigilant to use your mind wisely! Whatever density in your body-mind system is addressed by the influx of the high vibrations of the new  powerful light codes - acknowledge it, feel it thoroughly and let it be melted away by the currents of light.

Always, always be aware that you ARE a free spirit and by your Inherent Divine nature free of any limitations. In this understanding densities are just areas to work with, as you would work with earth in a garden that you want to prepare to grow food. You would not personally identify with stones you remove in this process or with chunks of  hard clay.

There is no way to prevent the ever more increasing frequencies of light and love to be anchored on your Beloved Earth Mother, because She is ready to ascend. Naturally these frequencies will break in due course all the hardened structures She carries patiently and that  have  not been able to open up to them and to flow with them.

This relates not only to living organisms but also to all manmade creations of the old world. All must be made new and allow joyfully to be transformed by the greater Light and Divine Information, to support a creation that is aligned to greater Divine Consciousness.

The time has arrived where I have made Myself available as never before to serve the Great Process of substantial transformation and Deification of this universe, to accelerate the return of all beings to their Divinity. Likewise each one of you must be prepared to surrender to this process to the fullest degree if you have chosen the Divine Path. It is a profound matter that requires the full participation of all your faculties, your conscious awareness and your soul.

Please understand that the signs of this transformation are not seen immediately in your external world. But they are felt individually first in your innermost heart and recognized in your consciousness that is  dedicated to the process. Hightened awareness leads to refined and intensified perception of new realms of consciousness which in turn enables you to perceive your world in a new light and motivates you to act in different ways than you have  done ever before. 

This new conscious awareness is the basis for the creation of your new world. It cannot happen otherwise. It is all interconnected and interwoven and inseparable from one another.

So it is a process from inside out. First your consciousness must change profoundly, or rather radically, which enables you to naturally change your outer world. The new creation is an emanation of the new frequencies which you first must have fully integrated, on the vibrational level and on the level of consciousness, as they are both complimentarities of  the new Divine State.
As you can comprehend now, the new creation does not happen without your direct and immediate participation. Because it is you, each single one of you, who is the creator of your own world and experience. The means of intensified light and vibration are Divinely given, yes, but it is you who must use them. If you do not use them there will be not a new creation. 

You are therefore called to use responsibly your Divinely given creative power! This is what it is about! It is YOUR new world, which mirrors your activity as Creators.

With it goes the indispensable necessity to unite with your fellow humans to bring forth your New World, to recognize the prior unity you all share. Only together, by uniting your ego-less light and energies, - and never as a single individual – you are able to create your New Divine World.

 Individually you are contributing to the whole, but as a  separate being you cannot create the whole, that is a fluent fabric, that must be created and supported by the unity of many, with a heart of love and appreciation for one another, in surrender to the Divine and in adoration of It.
To be able to participate as such in a Divinely collective creation, you as an individual must have overcome negative reactions to others and you must be able to always live with an open heart, connecting with all from the field of prior unity.  This allows for the high frequency  in which the New Creation can happen. It  can not happen while you still hold on to the old frequencies. You must be  completely free of them.

Therefore understand that the signs and appearance of your New World correlates exactly to your own state of purification, transformation and transcendence of the little “self”. 

You are One Humanity that at this point plays out and brings into  visibility  all the so far hidden contents of the collective subconsciousness, which you ALL share. Therefore all must come to the open to be purified, to be healed, and to be replaced with the love of your heart. With self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others. 

This is the glorious ordeal humanity is going through now, because YOU have decided to do so. You all have done so at your soul level  with great love and great surrender to the One Light and Consciousness Who Is God. 

Therefore do not struggle with the powers that bring you unhappiness, but understand that unconscious unhappiness is just made conscious so that you can let go of it to return to Prior Happiness. This is indeed a Great Divine Process. And if you surrendert to It, with joy in the depth of your heart, the Victory is yours.

Open your heart like I have opened Myself to be a conduit for the Great Forces of Light to pour onto your Earth Mother, and which now  surround and pervade you.

Each of My enormous eruptions and flares  are reaching out to embrace and to liberate you from the bondage of darker times, inasmuch as you allow it.
We are all one great orchestra to intonate the Glory of  Divine Love and Bliss. There is Only One Divine Consciousness That Encompasses All.

I AM the Sun of your Universe!”

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Monday, March 17, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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Most Beloved Humanity,
I AM Your Earth Mother Gaia!

I AM in deep embrace with the light and energy transmissions from our galaxy that are funneled through the Heart of our Beloved Sun.

The Sun's subtle body is expanding daily, which is not visible to the physical eye. Whereas the perpetual activities on his/her surface can of course be observed.  
Our Sun is indeed a multidimensional being beyond gender, however simultaneous of both genders as known to your lower dimensional awareness.

He/She is pure radiant consciousness and surrendered to the powerful spiritual frequencies and light of the surrounding vast universes, to which our Galactic Center is connected. As He/She is such surrendered He/She is a direct channel to serve all the planets of our universe.

And in the way that I AM directly and intimately resonating with our Beloved Sun, I AM also resonating with all my creations and all my blessed inhabitants, who are participating in this vast cosmic and universal exchange of conscious light and energy that bring about the new divine creations.

Dearest human family, if you could see and be aware and feel right now this most enchanted and inspired orchestra of creative forces, that are effective in this very moment, above, around, on, and within my earthly body, and all the inhabitants that I consider as my children and who are absolutely One with Me, you all would stop worrying and pondering  about the seeming dreadful reality of your present life you are staring at, and your and your planet's destiny!

Please start to  sharpen your awareness and to filter the messages - verbal and non-verbal -  that you are receiving and assimilating every day!
The human mind tends to hold on to old habits and is not very much trained to allow to drop old concepts and paradigms to make room for the New, for new information and energy, to let them replace your familiarities that you repeat already for Millenniums. 

Therefore my advise and my deepest wish is: tune your attention into a completely new station of reception. Like you search for a new channel on your radio.

Take your time in your meditations and locate the new frequencies  that  convey entirely new information now, messages that contain the blueprint of the New Creation of the universes. Messages, that are not compliant in any way or similar or just a bit differentiated from what you already know and what is being broadcasted to you by the old powers that have dominated the universe in vast parts for such a long time.

They are fooling you by still trying to  control the network of frequencies that you have been been tuning into for so long.  

If you are waiting for the new world and great changes to arrive by listening and adapting to your old channels,  through which you receive only the old tunes of separation and misery, you will not become aware of the Good News.  You have not yet figured it out, that you must change your channels, intentionally finding them out,  discovering them and disregarding from then on the old channels for good!

The old forces can only survive as long as you consent to vibrate on their frequency!  That is why they are using the media and their radiation equipment, to keep you on their level of reality, because this gives them the power to control you further.

My dearest children, you must know that the new cosmic and universal "Radio – and TV"  stations are already operative! So instead of switching on your 3D  TV and radio, use meditation instead and learn to listen to the higher dimensional “News” with your inner ears and watch them with your inner vision! Now is the time to start to practice this art and you will draw the new world faster to here than you can ever imagine.

When you listen and watch in the new way I have described, it will have a growing impact on humanity’s collective consciousness. Because the stronghold of the old matrix will  vanish even quicker, people will less and less feel attracted to it and will discover the illusion of that construct. Rather their soul will awaken to the truth that has been hidden from them for so long, as information of the true light from the mind of God will more powerfully poor into your domain and into their dreams.

As you know, humanity is One, absolutely and without doubt. Your perception of separateness is just the myth your old controllers have introduced to make you their servants, if not their slaves. To better be able to manipulate you, to deceive you, to dis-empower you.

Your true strength however abides in the recognition of the Unity of humanity, who again is One with all creation, on the Level of conscious light and in the depth of your heart-feeling.

So tuning into the new frequencies and information, will reveal to you in an instant, that the New World is already here, tangibly, but what your controllers want to hide from you in the vane hope to keep their already dead empire longer alive, although it has already become a mere phantom!

With every tuning into the new information and light you will participate actively in the New Creations, bringing them increasingly into visibility each day, while they clear the old and dark dreams of illusion and imprisonment.

It is entirely in your hands now, Beloveds, to bring about the fall of the old empire in an instant by your conscious participation in the New Creation.

Simultaneously it is important to be aware of the habit of your mind that tends to repeat the past, because it is “easier” to drive in old tracks. But know that you do not have to “invent” new ones, but that you merely need to tune into what is already here, fully available to you, the frequencies, the light and the information that are the constituents of your New and Ascended World.

Beloveds, take a new breath, filled with inspiration for a new day that is already effectively dawning, when you learn to see with new eyes and to hear with new ears. When you are to use your true God-given instruments of perception and throw away the means that the old powers have implanted in you to keep you on their level in order to use you and to feed on you.

From now on simply look into the newly arising divine world, by intentionally bypassing with your attention the vibrations of deception.
Exercise clear vision, born of your Divinity and  your eternal Presence of Co-Creatorship.

I AM with you with my great Love and Embrace. Join my Inner Heart of Spirit, to create what is urgently waiting to Emerge for All-and-all to Enjoy and to Celebrate.

I AM your Earth Mother Gaia!

Message conveyed by Ute

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Sunday, November 3, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013
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 While the new energies of light are arriving, carrying a further expanded consciousness of cosmic proportions, it is important, to open up to their magnificence.

Because without us receiving and utilizing them, they cannot propel forward the planetary evolution and our own ascension.

As we receive them, they are intoxicating our physical and our light body.
In fact, they are of a powerful substance of clearest light and energy, and pristine Purity, which instills the information of transforming our carbon based body into a crystalline structure.

They require us to let go of the old three-dimensional experience in the total system of our body-mind and replace it with the Power and Presence of this intense light. It is coming through our Beloved Sun from our Galactic Center; and through our Galactic Center from the Great-Great Sun around which our Galactic Center is revolving.

The increasing solar activity, whether earth-directed or not, rises constantly our frequency, if we allow it. Because we are not our earth-bound body. But we are in a Single Consciousness One with Gaia, the Spirit of our planet, One with the Spirit of the Sun and the Spirit of the Great Central Sun, and ultimately One with All-That-Is.

We are indeed blessed in a way we never have  been blessed before.

How do we open up and receive these Great Cosmic Forces?

We do not need any technique. We do not need any guided meditation. We do not need any limiting mediator between us and what is pouring down on us.

It is the pure and one-pointed, spontaneous impulse of the heart, that reaches through the feeling top of the head to above, to locate what is already present directly above us. It is to allow this powerful Presence of Pure Light to enter our body-mind and to let It pervade us from the top to toe.

It activates and saturates the currents of energy in the body-mind and overrides three-dimensional energy and awareness.  In fact, it is quite naturally transporting us into the consciousness of the higher dimensions, the dimensions,  where it is coming from.

Ultimately, if we allow the process fully, there is no movement but rather a state of altered consciousness, and a silent, powerful expansion, in which no-thing is noticed, but Pure Being-ness.

There is no Light without Information. Information determines  the level of consciousness  that we experience. And it is our choice what we focus on: the moving worlds or the pure being-ness, the fullness of I Am.

So far almost none of us has managed to recognize the totality of worlds as a modification of Divine Consciousness, in which every trace of duality is transcended, including our seeming separation from the universes. And all worlds are directly Known to be Undivided Divine Consciousness.

In this State we have already left to exist beyond and prior to dimensions. Such is the vastness of our Divine Consciousness.

Now the Universe has opened up to introduce us to all our Divine Possibilities and to our Ultimate Divine Nature.

The Real Great Adventure has begun for All Humanity.
And So It Is.

With love and many blessings,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, December 10, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved friends,

12-12-12 is only now a couple of days away. When I went  for a walk yesterday the sky appeared to me absolutely unique and awesome, I can’t remember having seen a sky like that ever before

It was of a new developing blue, very deep and at the same time transparent, and white clouds like huge cotton balls appeared extremely three-dimensional and sculptural. They were sitting, it seemed, in respectful distance from the Sun that was of an unprecedented transcendental radiance and spiritual power. 

The colors seemed to be different than on any other days.

There is a new victorious  presence in the skies that seem to have become higher and fuller, and it seems to be out of reach now for the forces that want to harm our beautiful planet and us (all living beings on Gaia).

It looks like as if the higher dimensions (some say the 4th, others the 5th, depending on whether we consider time as the 4th dimension) are already starting slowly their appearance, as if our familiar 3th dimension very slowly begins to shift into a new reality.

I consider this to be a gradual preparation for the culmination of events, first on the 12-12-12, with expected very high incoming light and information, to prepare us for the even more powerful influx of energy on 21-12-12. 

In other words, the energy and light already arriving here is phenomenal, it is a light of unity and non-separation, a light that makes all equal and wipes out “difference”. On the feeling level it is the quality of Love everywhere, uniting all hearts as they allow this unification.

Stepping this warm morning outside and under the infinite blue Sky, with a few white fluffy clouds, looking for the Sun, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of awe and wonder. I shuddered briefly and had goose pimples, my heart electrified, releasing the inevitable “WOW”! 

There is something MAJESTIC at work, powerfully heralding our new Divine Reality, right here, on our for eons tortured Mother Earth with all Her Creations.

The Divine Promise Is on Its Way. It comes from the Heart of the Universe, that is the Doorway to the Infinity of the  All-Powerful Divine Consciousness.

This heart-overwhelming Presence is the Power of Existence Itself, Unseparated, the Expression of Undivided Being-ness, the Power that holds all universes and beings together. It Widens the heart to an Opening in Which the Mystery of All-That-Is Reveals Its undeniable Reality. In this Reality and Beauty our Heart, the Heart of Gaia, the Heart of the Sun, and the Heart of the Cosmos are United. In It we human beings transcend our limited form and discover Who We Are: The Oneness of One Consciousness.

Dearest friends, It IS coming! The big planetary and universal change is on its way, the first forerunners already send their glorious messengers into this troubled world with Most Tangible Signs! The view into the universe suddenly being unobstructed, the longstanding quarantine an illusion.

In this to Arrive New Reality duality is being transcended. The Energy is so Powerful already now that It Overrides all that appears to be separated. It Reveals the Powerful Now of the Essence from which all seeming separate beings and things are created. 

Coming such to the forefront, the lesser perception of separateness is forgotten, while we are lifted up to a new powerful vibration of Light that Is Love. But not merely in the usual separate sense of “I love you”, but rather as the mighty I AM LOVE. 

This is, what I directly saw and experienced.

With Adoration,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.